This chapter describes Frame Relay Boundary Access Node (BAN) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
BAN.001 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: BAN.001 T direction:I-FRM port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.001 T direction:I-FRAME port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: I-frame packet. Direction is "in" or "out" of the router. Shows the bridge port number. Shows the full RIF (routing information field) of the packet. Shows up to 20 bytes of the packet after the SSAP field. The length is the amount of data in the packet after the SSAP field in the packet.
BAN.002 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: BAN.002 T direction:RR port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.002 T direction:RR port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: RR packet.
BAN.003 |
Short Syntax: BAN.003 prt bridge_port not a bdg prt
Long Syntax: BAN.003 port bridge_port is not a bridge port
Description: The configured BAN bridge port is not a bridge port.
Cause: This is a configuration inconsistency.
Action: Correct configuration.
BAN.004 |
Short Syntax: BAN.004 prt bridge_port initialized
Long Syntax: BAN.004 port bridge_port initialized
Description: The configured BAN bridge port has been initialized from a BAN point of view.
BAN.005 |
Short Syntax: BAN.005 frm drp source_mac-> dest_mac, not BNI src addr bni_mac, prt bridge_port
Long Syntax: BAN.005 frame dropped source_mac-> dest_mac, not BNI source address bni_mac, port bridge_port
Description: Every frame sent by the NCP must match the configured Boundary Node Identifier (BNI) MAC address.
Cause: This is an NCP address configuration inconsistency between the NCP and the router.
Action: Correct configuration either on the NCP or the router.
Cause: This BAN bridge port is not connected to an NCP.
Action: Check bridge configuration. Check Frame Relay DLCI connections and configuration. Check cable connections.
Cause: BAN has mistakenly been configured on this port.
Action: Remove this port from the BAN configuration.
BAN.006 |
Short Syntax: BAN.006 prt bridge_port not a FR bdg prt
Long Syntax: BAN.006 port bridge_port is not a Frame Relay bridge port
Description: The configured BAN bridge port is not a Frame Relay DLCI bridge port.
Cause: This is a configuration inconsistency. BAN ports can only be on Frame Relay DLCI bridge ports.
Action: Correct configuration.
BAN.008 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: BAN.008 frm flt, prt bridge_port, OUI br type oui_type
Long Syntax: BAN.008 frm flt, prt bridge_port ,OUI br type oui_type
Description: The outgoing frame was filtered by BAN because it is was NOT an RFC 1490 bridged Token-Ring frame, without preserved FCS, which is OUI type 9. This is the only type of frame expected by the NCP. Another bridge type frame is being sent: 1 and 7 are Ethernet, 2 and 8 are 802.4, 3 is Token-Ring with FCS, 4 and 10 are FDDI, 11 is 802.6, 14 is 802.1d Hello BPDU, 15 is SRB Hello BPDU.
Cause: This is not expected to happen because transparent behavior and the spanning tree are always forced off for a BAN port.
Action: None. This is harmless.
BAN.009 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: BAN.009 frm flt src_addr-> dest_addr, prt bridge_port, da not BAN DCLI addr ban_dlci_addr
Long Syntax: BAN.009 frm flt src_addr-> dest_addr, prt bridge_port, da not BAN DCLI addr ban_dlci_addr
Description: The outgoing frame was filtered by BAN because the the frame's destination address did not equal the BAN DLCI address. This is done to protect the NCP.
Cause: The normal bridge logic will try to send to all ports.
Action: None. This is harmless.
BAN.010 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: BAN.010 prt bridge_port forcing: TB,STP off
Long Syntax: BAN.010 port bridge_port forcing: TB,STP off
Description: The BAN bridge port behavior is being dynamically forced to transparent bridging off, spanning tree off. This is required for BAN.
Cause: This is done dynamically as a configuration convenience.
BAN.011 |
Short Syntax: BAN.011 prt bridge_port DLSw term but DLSw is not in the build
Long Syntax: BAN.011 port bridge_port DLSw term but DLSw is not in the build
Description: The BAN bridge port is configured for DLSw terminated. However, DLSw is not in this build.
Cause: This is a configuration inconsistency.
Action: Either correct configuration to do bridging instead of DLSw switching on the BAN port, or obtain a build with DLSw in it.
BAN.013 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: BAN.013 frm flt src_addr-> dest_addr, prt bridge_port, DLSw snbn dls_snbn not in RIF rif
Long Syntax: BAN.013 frm flt src_addr-> dest_addr, prt bridge_port, DLSw snbn dls_snbn not in RIF rif
Description: The outgoing frame was filtered by BAN because the the BAN port is set to DLSw switching, but the frame was not a DLSw frame since the DLSw source-routing segment and bridge number were not in the RIF (routing information field) of the frame. This is done to protect the NCP.
Cause: This will occur at times since the standard DLSw logic tries to DLSw switch and bridge some of the SNA frames. For example, this will occur for a TEST command frame.
Action: None. This is harmless.
BAN.014 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: BAN.014 T direction:RNR port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.014 T direction:RNR port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: RNR packet.
BAN.015 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: BAN.015 T direction:REJ port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.015 T direction:REJ port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: REJ packet.
BAN.016 |
Short Syntax: BAN.016 T direction:TST_C port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.016 T direction:TST_C port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: TEST_C (Test command) packet.
BAN.017 |
Short Syntax: BAN.017 T direction:TST_R port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.017 T direction:TST_R port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: TEST_R (Test response) packet.
BAN.018 |
Short Syntax: BAN.018 T direction:XID_C port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.018 T direction:XID_C port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: XID_C (XID command) packet.
BAN.019 |
Short Syntax: BAN.019 T direction:XID_R port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.019 T direction:XID_R port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: XID_R (XID response) packet.
BAN.020 |
Short Syntax: BAN.020 T direction:SABME port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.020 T direction:SABME port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: SABME packet.
BAN.021 |
Short Syntax: BAN.021 T direction:UA port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.021 T direction:UA port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: UA packet.
BAN.022 |
Short Syntax: BAN.022 T direction:DM port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.022 T direction:DM port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: DM packet.
BAN.023 |
Short Syntax: BAN.023 T direction:DISC port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.023 T direction:DISC port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: DISC packet.
BAN.024 |
Short Syntax: BAN.024 T direction:FRMR port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.024 T direction:FRMR port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: FRMR packet.
BAN.025 |
Short Syntax: BAN.025 T direction:OTHER port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Long Syntax: BAN.025 T direction:OTHER port= bridge_port len= len src_mac-> dest_mac src_sap-> dest_sap rif data
Description: Other packet than those specifically called out above. Look at the data shown to determine exactly what type of frame it is.
BAN.026 |
Short Syntax: BAN.026 frm drp, prt bridge_port, port is DLSw term, but DLSw not intialized
Long Syntax: BAN.026 frame dropped, port bridge_port, port is DLSw terminated, but DLSw not intialized
Description: All frames are being dropped. The port has been configured for DLSw termination, but DLSw is not running.
Cause: DLSw was not configured or only partially configured.
Action: Configure DLSw.
Cause: DLSw is not in your software load.
Action: Get a new software load with DLSw.
BAN.027 |
Short Syntax: BAN.027 prt bridge_port not a source routing bdg prt
Long Syntax: BAN.027 port bridge_port is not a source routing bridge port
Description: The configured BAN bridge port is not a source routing bridge port.
Cause: This is a configuration inconsistency. BAN ports can only be on source routing Frame Relay DLCI bridge ports.
Action: Correct configuration.
BAN.028 |
Short Syntax: BAN.028 frm drp, prt bridge_port, port is not intialized
Long Syntax: BAN.028 frame dropped, port bridge_port, port is not intialized
Description: All bridged frames, in and out, are being dropped. The BAN port did not initialize.
Cause: Some kind of configuration inconsistency.
Action: Turn on BAN ELS messages and restart the router to find out why BAN did not initialize on this port.
BAN.029 |
Short Syntax: BAN.029 prt bridge_port, BAN DLCI addr ban_dlci_addr is a duplicate with SR-TB enabled.
Long Syntax: BAN.029 port bridge_port, BAN DLCI address ban_dlci_addr is a duplicate with SR-TB enabled.
Description: When SR-TB conversion is enabled on the bridge, the BAN DLCI MAC addresses of the bridging DLCI must be unique. This restriction does not apply if SR-TB is disabled.
Cause: The BAN DLCI MAC address for this BAN bridging DLCI is the same as the one used on another BAN DLCI and SR-TB is enabled.
Action: Possible alternative solutions are (1) Turn off SR-TB, if not needed. (2) Use DLSw terminated mode on the DLCI instead of the bridging mode. (3) Do not use multiple DLCIs, if not needed. (4) Use unique BAN DLCI MAC addresses on the DLCIs.